Thursday, February 17, 2011

SBS Life

Hey all! 
I'm sorry I haven't been keeping people updated on my life while I've been in Hawaii. The truth is, school of biblical studies is a very tedious school and I barely have time to write a blog BUT God has definitely brought to my attention that it needs to be done so my loved ones can know and see what is going in my life as an SBS student =) So, I will say first off that I love SBS. I am learning so much about the bible, its insane! Everyday I continually experience Gods love deeper and deeper for me, and Im falling in love with Him all over again! 

The main idea of this school as students is to study the entire bible inductively. No commentaries or sources that we can look at. All our information we need to get internally, and from the information from lectures that we have every week that our staff teaches us. I've never been the "studious" type, and coming here and learning all this has been very hard for me, but I have benefitted from it already it is amazing! We are graded individually on every book and yes sometimes I do not get the best grade but I am not here for the grades. I am here for God, and my relationship with Him most importantly, to know Him and to make Him known. I have learned so much already and were only half way through the school! The thing I love about this school is learning the word of God for ourselves establishes this solid foundation for whatever we do in life. There is no other way to gain such a thorough understanding of the whole Bible in such a short time span, only 9 months! Its crazy! Anyways God has been revealing a lot to me recently just about our relationship and how He is totally transforming me into a whole new person =D 

One day I was in the prayer room that we here on the ywam base which is amazing to have by the way, it is so peaceful in there. Anyways, I was going through something and I couldn't figure it out, I just felt stuck. I was thinking how can I feel like this when Im in the word ALL the time, this shouldn't be happening. It was at that point where God spoke to me that I am trying too hard. Here I am studying the bible charting which is basically breaking down the text and interpreting what we believe the author is trying to get across to the people he is writing the message to. We chart each book, every chapter most of the time. It is very draining and a lot of us have gotten burnt out. So anyways, God spoke to me telling me that I was trying to hard, and that I need to include Him in my study while I'm charting. Charting has become like homework to me kind of and I realized that it is SUPER important that if I feel like God is speaking to me I need to put my pen down and let him speak because if I don't, He may not speak the word that he wants me to hear at that moment again because I didn't listen. So as I've gone through half of this school, I've learned that Gods desire is just for us to listen to Him and to love Him even through the hard trials in our lives. 

Anyways, I just wanted to catch all of you back home on what I'm doing in Kona and what Im learning about God's love. I hope you enjoyed this and I'll be blogging more so follow along if you would like to! 
Miss all of you, and I thank you so much for all your prayers! 

Be blessed, 
Kalyne =)


  1. Thanks for sharing Kay, God's got lots more in store for you, so exciting!
    Love and miss you!

  2. Kalyne, thank-you for writing your account. I feel blessed as I read your words. To watch a young, beautiful woman grow in deeper relationship with God, something I never got to experience myself, (meeting Jesus later in life) absolutely thrills me. To be honest, I have always felt a bit awkward around your generation because sometimes I feel just as old as you, yet I know I am much older. But watching you and reading your words gives me hope and awe and strengthens my faith in Him who does amazing things in us when we open ourselves to receive what is ours already (at any age)! Thank-you again for your words and time spent in writing to us. Be blessed today little sista’ and “stay the course”.
    Lisa Gallant Seal.

  3. Thank you for the encouragment Mom and Lisa! That lifts me up so much, i can't wait to share more of what Jesus is doing in my life here =)
